ISM-New York, Inc.
A Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management working together to advance the profession of supply management.
New York's Leading Supply Chain Management Professionals
ISM—New York, Inc. is a progressive, nonprofit association that exists to educate, develop and advance the purchasing and supply management profession. We offer a wide range of educational products and programs, opportunities for professional networking, benchmarking and collegial interchanges of information and methods.
Members of ISM—New York are recognized as world-class professionals. The Institute for Supply Management® and its chapters serve as centers of excellence in establishing and maintaining best-in-class professional standards of competency and conduct for its Members, and matters pertaining to research, education and certifications.
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Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management
Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management
This presentation is based on the book “Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management” that Gary Cokins co-authored published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is a result of a research study to examine the application of supply chain profit and costing measurement methods in multiple industries and international settings.
Learning Objectives:
- Why there is pressure on supply chain trading partners to collaborate rather than be adversarial.
- Why customers are the source of shareholder wealth creation for suppliers.
- How to measure and manage supplier, product, channel, and customer profitability.
- Why as differentiation from product advantages is reduced or neutralized due to commoditization, then service level differentiation matters, and the customer relationship grows in importance as a competitive advantage.
- How to shift the mindset from growing sales to growing profitable sales and to view customers as investments like in a stock portfolio to seek higher ROIs – return on customers (ROC).
- How to consider influencing a company’s suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers – second tiers and above.
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Compiling Supplier Data to Inform Sustainability Compliance
Compiling Supplier Data to Inform Sustainability Compliance
As the regulatory landscape continues to shift with new mandates like CSRD, CSDDD, and SEC disclosures, creating a streamlined supplier engagement strategy is more critical than ever. This webinar will guide you through developing a strategy that efficiently gathers the necessary data for compliance without overwhelming your suppliers. We'll explore how to minimize supplier fatigue by aligning your questions with multiple standards, reducing the number of requests, and ensuring a smooth compliance process. Additionally, we'll discuss how to integrate these data collection practices into your procurement lifecycle—from pre-contract phases to value creation moments—so you can expedite compliance, mitigate risks, and decarbonize your supply chain. Join us to learn how to make regulatory requirements a seamless part of your procurement strategy.
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Quarterly State of Risk Update
Quarterly State of Risk Update
Join the executive leaders from ISM and Resilinc as they come together as part of a quarterly series to discuss the latest and emerging risks and disruptions impacting global supply chains. ISM CEO Tom Derry and Resilinc CEO Bindiya Vakil will also provide insights based on respective data and research from both organizations.
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The Changing Dual Use Landscape
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Shared Strategies, Support ... and Success
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Getting the Best Deals in Negotiations
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